New features
Take a look at:
- Current announcements in the title area next to the header slideshow
- Quick-link tabs on the Home page to help find key information
- A sliding list of our Partners and Alliances (scroll down and try clicking on the logos).
- Attractive topic cards in the lower part of most pages provide quick access to extra content. Keep up with our Facebook page, see the benefits of Membership, or check out the LG Works training courses.
- Latest News from the Membership, or
- Contact us easily using your smartphone camera with our QR codes on the Contact page.
Corporate Members
Our Corporate Members page has been re-vamped with a new layout and more contact information available for each Corporate member. See for yourself.
Sponsors/Exhibitors Panel
We continue to appreciate our sponsors, internal and external exhibitors as their logos are presented in a new, compact panel that is displayed on most pages.
Conference photos
The latest Conference photos can be found under the Conference Menu.